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Joining Problem

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:51 pm
by imreallylousy
I am trying to help 3 young Australians to set up an account.
User name: The Aussies
Email: tbann29@eq,
Password: ThreeAussies

The test box seems to be the problem. 2jhv3sa has two lines across it. I get a “captcha error” message. I get this:Error inserting to usertable: Field 'user_permissions' doesn't have a default valueSet-Cookie: password=ThreeAussies; Set-Cookie: username=tbanner; Location: ./?242

Re: Joining Problem

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:09 pm
by gmiller
They did get added to the site, just not added to the forum. There were actually two, so I deleted them so they can rejoin and get added to the forum as normal. The issue was apparently an upgrade to the forum added some new fields to the database that couldn't be left blank. Thanks for pointing it out.