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Rating floor turned off by default

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:00 am
by briggs
Like many others, I wonder why my rating is so high on net-chess. Looks like we follow the Elo calculation for each result. Except when the losing player's rating would go below his/her rating floor. E.g I've played the same player several times and their rating has always been 2100 before and after the game ( they always lose) . So anyone playing that player will have an artificially high rating afterwards, regardless of the result, because they are not really playing a 2100 player
Removing the rating floor of all players will prevent the endless increase in average rating on this site.

Re: Rating floor turned off by default

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:49 pm
by gmiller
The rating floor is turned off for new users by default, only users from many, many years ago had it default to on. I was going to get rid of it completely but a lot of people complained.

But that's not what's responsible for the higher than average ratings for players here, it's people who start games, then leave part of the way through them. The overall average rating is actually negative.

Re: Rating floor turned off by default

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:42 am
by briggs
Surely the average rating of ACTIVE players is rising. If I beat someone whose rating is at the floor, my rating rises butt opponents rating does not fall. Therefore our average rating rises.

Re: Rating floor turned off by default

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:10 pm
by gmiller
Of the about 1000 users who've logged in in the past 30 days, only 19 of them have ratings within 25 points of their rating floor. No doubt that it does account for some rating inflation, but the overall factor is people starting games then leaving the site. Disabling the rating floor probably wouldn't produce a measurable result, certainly not a significant result.