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The MAtch thus far (Match#M1073774159)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:10 pm
by jjones
Hello all..

Well, I have went through and researched all the games, and the opening moves from this huge tournament (15 players, 4 games each) that a lot of us are involved in, and come up with the opening statistics as far as the first move is concerned!

Here you are:

The UNDEFINED, or games where the first move has not been made yet: 77 games ( I know, UGH!!:( )

e4: 212 games

d4: 65 games

c4: 46 games

Nf3: 9 games; g3: 6 games; b3: 1 game; Nc3: 1 game; e3: 1 game

h4: 1 game

As you can tell, the E Pwan dominated the opening moves, which was to me, surprising! But next week, I shall begin to go into detail and break down the opwenings themselves that were used so we can see what some of us enjoy playing!! It should be interesting, to say the least!! I will keep us all posted.

Keith Stuart is getting all the players and their ratings finished, so we can all see who the opponents are and how the ratings look...could also prove intersting!

I shall keep you all informed as my time permits, and hope this shall be of interest to more of you than just the tournament participants :)

Jeff "Zapper"